Music has always played an important part in weddings. The bride’s entrance, the couple leaving the ceremony and the first dance at the reception are timeless traditions. Each faith has its own way of celebrating marriage with song, dance and music.

Yet wedding music is much more than a march or ceremony background, it’s the soundtrack to a couple’s special moments, including their video of the big day. This guide on how to choose wedding music for video makers will give creative tips on capturing ten key moments of the day through music.


The build-up

Modern wedding videos will often start with a little introduction to the couple. It might contain mini-biographies, a funny story or two or an account of how they met. There will no doubt be clips and stills thrown in for good measure and perhaps voiceovers by the couple or friends and relatives. It’s a way to get to know the couple, and sets the scene for what is to come.

A calm and romantic track often makes ideal prelude music for wedding videos, perhaps some simple orchestral music or a sung ballad. Just let the mood of the imagery guide you, though, as it could demand something more upbeat. Perhaps the couple is into extreme sports and there’s footage of them enjoying their hobby together.


Getting ready

Now we’re into the day itself. There’s film of the couple apart: putting on makeup, having their ties straightened, buttonholes adjusted. The nerve-wracking morning before everything kicks off. 

These moments can sit well against an atmospheric background, though nothing too upbeat just yet. You might also be able to get away with suspenseful music if you really want to capture the mood.


Down the aisle

There will probably be wedding aisle music playing at the venue as the ceremony begins. If you were going for a documentary-style video, you can capture that music (alongside the guests’ gasps and sighs) by using a microphone at the venue.

If the ambient sound is unworkable, for example it’s echoey or quiet,use your own wedding entrance music over silent footage. There’s nothing better than good old romantic music to accompany the couple’s first glances.


The vows

You’ll probably have the spoken vows as a key part of the video, so music might be very low in the mix at this time. Once they’re over, there’s an outburst of cheer, which often suits a celebratory tone. If it’s a faith-based wedding, the vows can also present a good opportunity for some religious music too.


The celebration

Now the pressure’s off and it’s all about celebration – confetti, kisses, photos and generations of friends and family sharing their love for the newlyweds. Musically, there should be plenty of happiness and joy here. Happy wedding exit music can also be a great accompaniment to this laughter-filled part of the day.


On to the dinner

It’s dinner time! There are speeches, toasts and a mixture of moods and emotions. The music choice should closely reflect this. The father of the bride and best man’s speech is traditionally punctuated by friendly jabs at the couple. So why not bring some comedic elements into the wedding dinner music?

Often, wedding reception speeches are heartfelt too. Memories of lost loved ones, sad stories and childhood tales may all be told. So  Tthis emotion needs to be captured in the music too. Let the vibes of the day guide you when choosing your wedding reception background music.


The first dance

The first dance is another part where the chosen music track is key to the moment. Often, it’s been selected by the couple themselves, so  and should be included here. You will have to set up some mics to capture the real atmosphere. Then, depending on the recording’s quality, you might choose to use this or the original track over silent footage.


The recap

A few minutes recapping important parts of the day is a beautiful way to end any wedding film. It’s also a good opportunity to reprise some music from earlier on, perhaps even the same tune that was used for the first section.

You’ll no doubt be fading any soundtrack in and out with live sound recordings, such as the vows, poignant speech excerpts and guest reactions. However, your video will be more cohesive to keep the same musical theme running until the end.


The video snippet for social media

Create cutdowns, perhaps a minute or two long, to post on social media and for the couple to share with guests. The music will almost always have an element of celebration, but may also include some romantic strings or the couple’s first dance song.

There are no rules here, but by choosing the right music, you can perfectly distil a day of joy and optimism into a film full of happy memories.

Wedding day music can help capture a whole range of emotions in a video. You will find a video in our catalogue that perfectly fits the mood and moment, whether it’s joyous, tear-jerking or full of laughter.


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